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O dito e o não dito pelos usuários de drogas, obtidos mediante as vivências e da técnica projetiva [What drugs users say and do not say, using experiences and the projective technique]

FARIAS F. L. R.; FUREGATO A. R. F. O dito e o não dito pelos usuários de drogas, obtidos mediante as vivências e da técnica projetiva [What drugs users say and do not say, using experiences and the projective technique]. Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem, v.13, n. 5, p. 700-7, set-out. 2005.

Available on: <http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rlae/v13n5/v13n5a14.pdf>

This study aimed to get to know some visible and hidden meanings in drug users’ experience. The interviews were associated with the Projective Technique (free and Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure), based on which we analyzed the subjective content and what was expressed by the users. The results demonstrated the existence of family deterioration, stigma and prejudice.

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