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O dito e o não dito: depressão e suicídio [The said and the unsaid: depression and suicide]

LOPES, L. M. E. O dito e o não dito: depressão e suicídio [The said and the unsaid: depression and suicide]. 95 p. Monograph (Geriatrics Specialization) – Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará. Fortaleza, 2007.

Abstract: The high prevalence of depression and suicide among the elderly is clearly present in the literature. Among other factors, depression shows itself as a major psychiatric illness relative to the risk of suicide. However, that disease has been diagnosed and treated poorly among the elderly, affecting their quality of life directly. Understanding the issues associated with depression and the risk of suicide in the elderly was the motivation of this study. This is a descriptive search, quali-quantitative which aimed the checking with those aged equal or more than 60 years, holders of depressive syndrome, met in Basic Unit Health of the Municipal Mayor of Fortaleza, in the context of the Executive Secretariat Regional IV, the elderly who shows signs that point to the risk of suicide. For the data collected during routine consultations three instruments were used: a structured questionnaire, the geriatric Depression Scale of Yesavage with 15 questions (GDS-15) and Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure. The data were analyzed from 25 elderly aged between 60 and 92 years, of both sexes. The analysis of the data through the GDS-15 resulted in tracking of seven women and one man bearer of mild to moderate depressive syndrome and of one woman bearer of severe depressive syndrome. Two cases had evidences that suggest risk of suicide. The depression and its association with the risk of suicide awake to the need of a sensitive listening from health professionals, and to the creation of spaces for reflection on the issue, groups that make up the social network of support, whether in the social, educational and cultural, should always be encouraged. The depression should be treated to prevent its chronicity, improve life’s quality and minimize the emotional suffering, in addition, the risk of suicide. We stress the importance of working with multiprofessional teams, promoting the link, partner, and constant exchange of information among the various health professionals.

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