O desvelar da comunicação emocional de crianças vítimas e violência intrafamiliar [Unveiling the emotional communication of child victims and intra-family violence]

DIAS, G. B. O desvelar da comunicação emocional de crianças vítimas e violência intrafamiliar [Unveiling the emotional communication of child victims and intra-family violence]. Undergraduate Thesis. Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde – curso de graduação em Psicologia. 2017.

Available on: http://tcc.fps.local:80/handle/fpsrepo/380

Scenario: Brazil has an average of 40 million children between the ages of 0 and 12, located mainly in the north and northeast of the country. These children should be understood as subjects worthy of attention and protection. However, many children, despite the efforts of civil society and formal institutions, are still victims of violence, especially intra-family violence, which characterizes family violence perpetrated by parents, stepfathers, siblings, uncles, mothers, employees Household or any other member who lives intimately or belongs to the family. Objective: To understand the emotional communication of children victims of intra-family violence, unveiled from the procedure of Drawing-and-Story Procedure by Walter Trinca. Method: A cross-sectional observational study will be performed. The study site will be the Ambulatory of Integral Attention to Children and Adolescents in Situation of Violence in a hospital in Pernambuco-Brazil. The study will include children aged five to nine years, victims of intra-family violence of any type or nature, such as sexual, physical, psychological violence, neglect and/or abandonment. To construct the data, a socio-demographic questionnaire will be applied to the parents to obtain information about the social context belonging to the child. In addition, the Drawing-and-Story Procedure will be carried out with the child, which involves the production of free drawings, elaboration of stories about the drawing, the inquiry aimed at enlightenment or new associations for the comprehension of the production in its totality, and ends with the elaboration of the title given by the child to its production. The analysis of the production units of this procedure will be based on the psychoanalytical framework, where the free inspection of the material will be prioritized as a form of evaluation. Ethical Aspects: The research project followed the norms and guidelines proposed by resolution 466/12 and will only be initiated after approval in the Ethics and Research Committee of the Pernambucan Health Faculty and the formal consent of the coordinator of the IMIP Outpatient Clinic, through a Letter of Consent and signatures of the Informed Consent Form of the person responsible for the minor (TCLE) and the Term of Free and Informed Assent, signed by the child involved.

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