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O Adolescente e sofrimento emocional nos dias de hoje: reflexões psicológicas – encontros e viagens [The Adolescent and emotional suffering nowadays: psychological reflections. meetings and trips]

TARDIVO, L. S. P. C. O Adolescente e sofrimento emocional nos dias de hoje: reflexões psicológicas – encontros e viagens [The Adolescent and emotional suffering nowadays: psychological reflections. meetings and trips]. 213 p. Professorship Thesis – Instituto de Psicologia da USP. São Paulo, 2004. 

Available on:  https://teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/livredocencia/47/tde-05022014-141347/es.php

This paper draws attention to the theme of Adolescence nowadays in our country, focusing the emotional suffering of the adolescents. In this work the author uses a metaphor of this presentation with the report of a trip. The text is divided in five parts, where the first one is the Prologue and where the author presents her work and chooses the theme of her thesis. The first part refers to the theoretical bases of the study and the clinical methodology used; and a summary about theoretical considerations concerning Adolescence. In the second part, viewed as the first stop of the trip, the author reports her experience; the meeting with adolescent Indians acultured in São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) which express intense emotional suffering. Using the clinical procedure: “draw the adolescent in São Gabriel da Cachoeira nowadays”. Presenting the material of 21 adolescents, the author thinks about the conditions in which they live and reports the therapeutic consultations in a group that she made from a Winnicottian point of view. Continuing the trip the author reports other meetings that she had with students and collaborators who did a similar study with adolescents in other situations and contexts, always using the same Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure: “draw the adolescent in your city nowadays”. The adolescent in great São Paulo – the first chapter, is composed by two situations, in which the adolescents were seen in a Public Hospital (five adolescents) and the delinquent adolescent interned at FEBEM of São Paulo (six adolescents). The other chapters refer to material obtained in a group of adolescents in other cities of São Paulo: 20 adolescents of Fartura and 10 adolescents of Santos. The author presents her thoughts regarding the adolescent material as well as the material derived from the meetings of psychologists with adolescents. She thinks about the suffering and the way it is expressed and discusses possible additional interventions. The last part of this study – the Epilogue, is dedicated to the conclusions and final considerations.

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