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Mulheres e cicatrizes: histórias de uma pele marcada [Women and scars: stories of a marked skin]

CUNHA, A. F. Mulheres e cicatrizes: histórias de uma pele marcada [Women and scars: stories of a marked skin]. Monograph. Univ. Taubaté: Taubaté (SP). 2019.

Available on: http://repositorio.unitau.br/jspui/handle/20.500.11874/3683

This research aimed to analyze the meaning of physical scars in adult women. This work was relevant because, besides understanding the possible impacts of these marks on the lives of these women, provided subsidies for psychologists to work with this population in many contexts. An exploratory qualitative case study research was conducted with three women. For this, two instruments were used for data collection: interview and the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. Results revealed that, throughout the process, the participants had limitations of their school, work and daily activities, frustrations, temporary loss of autonomy and unwillingness to live. The vicissitudes regarding self-image and self-esteem appear only in the life of the participant who acquired the scar due to a car accident. To overcome this phase they had resilience, optimism, spirituality and could count on a factor considered fundamental: family support. It was concluded that scars from a disease that is overcome by treatment are perceived as a symbol of strength and victory, and that they significantly affect self-image, but are not able to affect self-esteem. In the case of a scar acquired by an accident, in addition to physical suffering, a great anger is perceived, and self-image and self-esteem are severely affected. In this situation, scars symbolize resilience. This research aimed initially at trying to understand the meaning of scars for women and the possible effects on their self-esteem and their body image. Subsequently, the study may support the elaboration of a book, manual or article, as well as contributing to the work of the psychologist in the private practice, in in clinics or hospitals and also in support groups for people with scars, assist in the elaboration of an orientation program for this population or generate a newsletter to be distributed to professionals dealing with this clientele.

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