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Meu/minha filho (a), o danoninho de morango e o quarto azul/rosa: investigando normas de gênero em famílias [My daughter/son, the strawberry yogurt, and the pink/blue room: investigating the gender standards in families]

RABELLO, D. C. C. Meu/minha filho (a), o danoninho de morango e o quarto azul/rosa: investigando normas de gênero em famílias [My daughter/son, the strawberry yogurt, and the pink/blue room: investigating the gender standards in families]. Master’s Dissertation – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Recife (PE), 2013. 

Available on: https://repositorio.ufpe.br/bitstream/123456789/10110/1/Dissertacao%20Daniele.pdf

We analyzed in this research as the families, consisting of heterosexual parenting couples, constantly update sex-gender systems in their relations with their children. We therefore investigated the relationship between gender and family; questioning the various conceptions of gender, considering its impasses and advancement, yet realizing the influences in the construction of the categories of male, female, active and passive, embedded in family relationships. In order to achieve these goals, we used with parents of a boy and a girl, in the metropolitan area of Recife, the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and semi-structured interview, containing guiding questions for the survey. The data were submitted to the Descriptive Analysis of Discursive Practices and Non Discursive bias in a poststructuralist. The participants number is given by saturation criterion. It was perceived that parents constantly update sex-gender systems, an ideal family compound with heterosexual couples, marking the conformation with gender norms socially legitimized. We hope that the results can broaden the discussion and knowledge about the forms of the constitution within the family, as well as its role in the construction of the concept of gender. 

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