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Maternidade e entrega de um bebê para a adoção: um estudo de caso [Maternity and giving a baby up for adoption: a case study]

MEDEIROS, A. P.; ANDRADE, M. L. de; COSTA-DALPINO, L. R. de S. Maternidade e entrega de um bebê para a adoção: um estudo de caso [Maternity and giving a baby up for adoption: a case study]. Pensando fam., Porto Alegre,  v. 25, n. 2, p. 129-142, dez.  2021.   

Available on: http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-494X2021000200010&lng=pt&nrm=iso

Abstract: The process of becoming a mother involves changes in the woman’s life of a biological, psychological and social nature, and several factors can be decisive for the pregnant woman’s decision not to remain with her baby. Based on the Pregnant Women Care Policy, created in 2015, the State of São Paulo created a humanized care protocol for women who want to deliver their child for adoption. This study aimed to present a case study of the psychological assessment process carried out with a woman who was in her third pregnancy and expressed the desire to deliver the child for adoption, having given up after the child’s birth. Seven sessions were held, supported by the psychoanalytic theoretical framework, which will also support the case discussions. In the first session, an initial interview was held, and in the second, the Drawing-of-Family-with-Story Procedure was applied. The DF-E was used because it is an important method to detect unconscious and conscious contents, thus allowing an understanding of how the individual establishes relations with his family world. The data point to a search for the repair and construction of family bonds so that motherhood can be exercised effectively. It was verified the importance of psychological evaluation in this period, as well as the articulation of the service network to attend these cases.

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