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Imaginário sobre maternidade/paternidade: investigação por meio de mediadores dialógicos [Imaginary about Maternity / Paternity: Research using Dialogic Mediators]

SALGADO, G. C.; GONÇALVES, M. Imaginário sobre maternidade/paternidade: investigação por meio de mediadores dialógicos [Imaginary about Maternity / Paternity: Research using Dialogic Mediators]. Atas CIAIQ, Fortaleza (CE), v.2, p.1413-1422, 2018. 

Available on: https://proceedings.ciaiq.org/index.php/ciaiq2018/article/view/1924/1874

The present research had the objective to make explicit the imaginative conceptions around which organized the imaginary of  university students of  a university in the interior of  the Brazilian  state of  São Paulo,  about  the  phenomena  of  maternity  and  paternity.  For  the  data  collection,  two  dialogic  procedures were  used:  the  Life  Story  Narrative  and  the  Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure.  There  were  twelve participants.  The  data  collection  took  place in an individualized  way,  inside  the  context  of  a  therapeutic consultation,  between  one  and  two  meetings.  Among  the  findings  of  the  research,  we  obtained  the emergence  of  conceptions  around  the  paternal  function  as  a  passive  figure; affectively  distant;  absent; negligent;  and  imposing  prohibition.  In  relation  to  the  maternal  function,  the  conceptions  around which it was linked revolved around the notion of care and the prohibitive and imposing functions of limits. 

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