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Imaginário coletivo de professores sobre o adolescente contemporâneo [Teachers’ collective imaginary on contemporary adolescentes]

MONTEZI, A. V. et al. Imaginário coletivo de professores sobre o adolescente contemporâneo [Teachers’ collective imaginary on contemporary adolescentes]. Psicologia em Estudo, Maringá (PR), v.16, n.2, p.299-305, abr-jun. 2011. 

Available on:  http://www.scielo.br/pdf/pe/v16n2/a13v16n2

Understanding that teachers may perform a very important role in the personnel maturing process of their students, we have established to investigate the teacher’s collective imaginary on contemporary adolescents as a subject of research. We performed a group interview with six Secondary Education teachers, utilizing the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure, which was conceived as a dialogical-mediator resource. After the interview, psychoanalytic narratives were written down by us, with the purpose to relate the clinical practice happenings. And those, along with the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure were psychoanalytically analyzed allowing the interpretative capturing of the following affective-emotional sense fields: “vegetative world”, “separating the chaff of the wheat” and “happy children, unfortunate adolescent”. We conclude that, in the group approached, the adolescent is conceived as passive, unfortunate and unable to make choices, demanding to be guided in his life.

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