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Imaginário coletivo de professores de ioga brasileiros: um estudo sobre campos psicológicos [The collective imaginary of Brazilian Yoga teachers: a study of psychological fields]

GONÇALVES, M. Imaginário coletivo de professores de ioga brasileiros: um estudo sobre campos psicológicos [The collective imaginary of Brazilian Yoga teachers: a study of psychological fields]. 120 p. Doctoral Thesis – PUCCAMP, Campinas (SP), 2008.

Available at: http://www.bibliotecadigital.puc-campinas.edu.br/tde_arquivos/6/TDE-2008-04-29T113539Z-1438/Publico/Marilia%20Goncalves.pdf

Abstract: The present study aimed at carrying out a psychoanalytic investigation of the collective imaginary of yoga teachers by identifying their imaginative conceptions of psychological equilibrium and by capturing the non-conscious psychological fields from which they emerge. This research study took place through a differentiated psychoanalytic framework called individualized meetings to approach the social personation and was consolidated with the help of the following dialog mediators: accounts of life stories and the Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure. The clinical material produced during these meetings was later analyzed psychoanalytically through the light of the field theory, which led to the identification of imaginative conceptions which articulate in the following, non-conscious fields: the field of a happy childhood, the field of fruition, the field of asceticism, and the field of devotion, indicating the particular manners in which the people whom we talked with forge their conceptions of psychological equilibrium during their training as yoga teachers in the light of their own personal needs and the Eastern doctrines to which they had access.

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