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GONÇALVES, M. Concepções imaginativas de saúde psicológica em médicas: estudo de caso [Imaginative conceptions of psychological health in doctors: a case study]

COSTA, L. C. R.; GONÇALVES, M. Concepções imaginativas de saúde psicológica em médicas: estudo de caso [Imaginative conceptions of psychological health in doctors: a case study]. Atas CIAIQ, Fortaleza (CE), v.2, p.1396-1405, 2018.

Available on: https://proceedings.ciaiq.org/index.php/ciaiq2018/article/download/1922/1872/

Understanding the importance of health promotion for doctors, this study aimed to identify and discuss the imaginative conceptions of psychological health of two doctors and a medicine student; and to use the Therapeutic Consultation as an adequate instrument for qualitative research in the research-intervention modality. The choice was for Therapeutic Consultation because of its particular characteristics, which allow the collection of important data for research and the intervencion in subjects that may cause psychic suffering to the participant. The Individual Therapeutic Consultation was mediated by Life History Narrative and the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. The participants were recruited among volunteers in a convenience sample, being requested from the community of professionals and undergraduates from two cities of São Paulo. The present research, a case study, investigated two medical, and one undergraduate medicine student. The elements identified as necessary for psychological health experience, in the conception of these participants, were: to relate to others (this one being a family or love relationship); be in touch with nature; performing playful experiences; be able to make choices that allow you to feel real. The methodological strategy adopted allowed the participants to speak in the first person about what is psychological health for each of them, and these statements represented perspectives of a collective.

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