Fracasso escolar, umaquestãosimbólica: estudoanalíticojunguiano dos dinamismosinfantisnafamília, naescola e nacultura [Schoolfailure, a symbolicissue: a Jungiananalytical approach tothestudyofthechild’sdynamic in the Family]

BRASIL, A. M. R. C. Fracasso escolar, umaquestãosimbólica: estudoanalíticojunguiano dos dinamismosinfantisnafamília, naescola e nacultura [Schoolfailure, a symbolicissue: a Jungiananalytical approach tothestudyofthechild’sdynamic in the Family].Master’sDissertation– Instituto de Psicologia da USP. São Paulo (SP), 1989.

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Abstract: the purpose of this research is to study school failure within a symbolic analytic Jungian perspective. According to the available literature the most common model in the study of school failure is a Cartesian one. This model stresses objectivity and rationality and does not take into consideration subjective and affective emotional characteristics in the learning process. The author proposes an integration of both approaches in the whole process of education, either formal or informal. Family and school should be considered an ecosystem through which the child amplifies and transforms its symbolic codes. Two phases can be distinguished in this research: a) Subjects (n=120) from different schools of São Paulo municipal school system were referred to six counseling units where the causes of school failure were analyzed; b) Four case studies were more intensively studied.

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