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Fantasias inconsciente de gestantes portadoras de hipertensão arterial crônica por meio da técnica do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias [Unconscious fantasies of pregnant women who suffers from chronic high-blood pressure through the Drawing-And-Story Procedure]

BORMIO, S. N. G. Fantasias inconsciente de gestantes portadoras de hipertensão arterial crônica por meio da técnica do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias [Unconscious fantasies of pregnant women who suffers from chronic high-blood pressure through the Drawing-And-Story Procedure]. 166 p. Doctoral Thesis – Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP). Botucatu (SP), 2008.

Available on: http://repositorio.unesp.br/bitstream/handle/11449/104172/bormio_sng_dr_botfm.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Justification: Pregnancy is a complex moment in the life of a woman. It is a moment that is, at the same time, rich and painful, influential and unforgettable and that sends the pregnant woman to her own origin. There are many common symptoms in the gestation, and despite provoking a reasonable perturbation, they can be lived with pleasure as they make the existence of the pregnancy evident. This way, the pregnant woman can live such moments with relative tranquility. The same does not happen when the pregnant woman carries any pathology considered of great risk, which determines a sense of threat that results in apprehension and insecurity as it is the case of high blood pressure. Considering the strait relation between the psychic and the somatic, the knowledge of the unconscious fantasies by the professionals involved in the care of these women can favor a better and more complete service to these pregnant women. Objective: To investigate the unconscious fantasies of the pregnant woman that carries chronic high blood-pressure. Subjects and methods: Qualitative observational, prospective study of 35 hypertensive pregnant women with ages varying from 20 to 35 years-old, gestational period between 16 and 36 weeks. The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure was used for the study of the fantasies. Results:   Loving and constructive fantasies and destructive and persecuting fantasies of unconscious type predominate. Loving fantasies expressed themselves as the need of strengthening the good inside object, the search for harmony and balance in the personality, the insertion of the baby in the life story of the couple and the valuing of the environment. The destructive and persecuting fantasies were noticed by the angst for being the possessor of bad inside objects, for being destructive. The unconscious fantasies of the omnipotent type may, very likely, serve as a means of defense against unpleasant ideas and feelings, as well as to the objective of establishing a refusal of determined aspects of objective reality. These fantasies may, yet, justify the effort of some pregnant women in getting the necessary control to keep them distant from people. The patients’ unconscious fantasies point, yet, to the difficulty of expressing their negative feelings. Negation was found to be a defense mechanism frequently used.  Conclusion: The results indicate that the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure, used as an auxiliary technique in the psychological investigation of the pregnant woman, is of great value for offering a number of advantages: it is a well-accepted instrument, it mobilizes unconscious contents, with low levels of conducts of resistance. Such results encourage us to propose that the view of the human-beings of the ‘ill patients’ be amplified, considering the unconscious aspects of their mental life.

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