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Expressão do luto em mulheres com feridas crônicas de membros inferiores [Expression of grief in women with chronic wounds in lower limbs]

OLIVEIRA, A. L.; CARVALHO, E. S. S.; RODRIGUES, G. R. S. Expressão do luto em mulheres com feridas crônicas de membros inferiores [Expression of grief in women with chronic wounds in lower limbs]. Rev baiana enferm, 31(1):e20439. 2017.

Available on: a02f49bd6b22ae6218918625d433d6ec9f9d.pdf (semanticscholar.org)

Objective: To understand how women express grief when faced with a chronic wound in lower limbs. Method: This is a qualitative study developed in two health units of the state of Bahia, from March to June 2012. It was attended by 13 women. The data, obtained through the application of the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and the In-depth Interview technique, were analyzed in line with the thematic content analysis method. Results: When assuming a new body, marked by the presence of the wound and, therefore, considered incomplete, the participants experienced the loss of identity and the need to draw up a new benchmark for the female body. Conclusion: Their grief was expressed by means of denial, wrath, bargain, sadness and acceptance, where the stages of sadness and acceptance were more frequent.

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