Explorando o desenho para redução da ansiedade infantil na sala de espera em odontologia [Exploring the drawing for reduction of children’s anxiety in the dentist’s waiting room]

STUTZ, B. L. Explorando o desenho para redução da ansiedade infantil na sala de espera em odontologia [Exploring the drawing for reduction of children’s anxiety in the dentist’s waiting room]. Em Extensão, Uberlândia, MG, v.10, n.2, p.162-171, jul-dez. 2011.

Available at: http://www.seer.ufu.br/index.php/revextensao/article/view/20672/11001

Abstract: The purpose of this report is to describe experiences from an extension project called the Dentist’s Waiting Room, at the dental clinic of the Dental School of Federal University of Uberlândia, linked to the educational program developed with students of the Oral Health Technical Course at the Health Technical School (ESTES) of that institution. It was possible to detect and work with the anxiety presented by two children, related to dental care, with the use of play activities, contributing to their acceptance and their well-being before the treatment to be performed. So, it is intended to expand the dissemination of this intervention practices that have as their principle the Psychology applied to Dentistry.

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