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Expectativas e concepções de trabalho na velhice em homens na meia-idade [Expectations and working concepts in old age in middle-aged men]

FREITAS, M. C. de. CAMPOS, T. D.; GIL, C. A. Expectativas e concepções de trabalho na velhice em homens na meia-idade [Expectations and working concepts in old age in middle-aged men]. Estudos Interdisciplinares em Psicologia. Londrina (PR), v.8, n.2, p.43-64, Dez/2017. 

Available on: doi: <10.5433/2236-6407.2016v8n2p43>

This study aimed to analyze the expectations and conceptions of work in old age in middle-aged men. This is a qualitative research that included the participation of fifteen men between 50 and 59 years working in formal or informal activity. A semi-structured interview and the projective technique called Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure was held. For data analysis the content analysis technique was used. Categories were identified as expectations and representations before old age, work and retirement. It was observed that retirement expectations were associated with the desire to practice pleasurable activities, but financial instability and responsibilities with family members do not allow participants in middle-aged to stop their professional activities. This study shows that the expectations and conceptions of work in old age are generally associated with both continuity and its reinterpretation in this phase of life.

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