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Estudo exploratório dos sentimentos de crianças em período pós-cirúrgico em unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica [Exploratory study on children feelings in the post-surgery period in the Pediatric ICU]

CAROLLO, C. N. G. Estudo exploratório dos sentimentos de crianças em período pós-cirúrgico em unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica [Exploratory study on children feelings in the post-surgery period in the Pediatric ICU]. 91 p. Master’s Dissertation – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. São Paulo (SP), 2011.

Available on: https://sapientia.pucsp.br/handle/handle/15002

This study has the aim to understand the complexity of the experience of children in vulnerable situations in an environment of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) due to complications of surgery, identifying feelings expressed by them. The child can live the event of illness, surgery and hospitalization in the PICU with a significant emotional intensity due to the fragile distinction between the external world. Thus, Chiattone and Sebastiani (2005) indicate that the most common psychological reactions include intensification of attachment behavior, regression, feeling of helplessness, anxiety and fear fantasies, beyond aggravation of pre-morbid psychological symptoms and / or many psychobiological symptoms. The ICU is an environment permeated by the issue of survival depending on the urgency of the invasive and painful procedures, constant tension, in living with the intra-and extracorporeal devices. This study is descriptive, observational and exploratory, in order to understand and interpret phenomena in terms of meanings that people attribute to them, so a qualitative research was chosen. The choice of case study was a reference to Cozby (2003), which considers the possibility of describing the particular reality of each individual, aiming to inform and illustrate a clinical reasoning through the description of people in specific situations, enabling the establishment of the relation theory – practice on each problem. Two children were investigated, a 10-year-old male and a 7-year-old female, selected from the following criteria: to be admitted to ICU due to complications in surgical procedures; to be literate; not to be intubated and / or sedated; do not present neurological and to present medical and psychological conditions to communicate and draw. The survey was conducted at PICU of a private hospital in São Paulo. In the data collection instruments were applied together, the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure and the structured interview on issues relating to welfare and the process of admission to the PICU. Besides these instruments it was necessary to consult the medical records. The concepts of psychoanalytic theory proposed by Trinca (1987) were used for data analysis, and for the analysis of Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure by verbal reports proposed by Aberastury (1986), associated with the practical part of the researcher. The analyzed results allowed the understanding of this experience on a childish look. In this work, the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure associated with semi-structured interview used as intermediate communication instruments, offered opportunities to bring out feelings that might otherwise remain inaccessible, in many cases, sufficiently reliable as an evaluation strategy with the children admitted in the PICU.

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