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Estudo da relação padrasto e enteado [Studying the step-father and stepson relationship]

MARINHO, G. S. C. Estudo da relação padrasto e enteado [Studying the step-father and stepson relationship]. Master’s Dissertation – Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. São Bernardo do Campo (SP), 2014.

Available at: http://tede.metodista.br/jspui/bitstream/tede/1357/1/GlauciaMarinho.pdf

Abstract: The objectives of this study were to identify the perception of the stepfather about his relations with his stepchild(ren) and to identify the perception of the stepfather about his function and role in the family. It was used psychoanalytic clinical investigation that gathered data through semi-directed interviews and Family Drawing with stories, in 3 adult participants who were stepfathers. The sessions were carried out in an office environment, respecting technical and ethical issues of research and Psychology in particular, such as confidentiality and consent of the participants. The content analysis showed that there were peculiarities in each case studied, however, there were common factors in their feelings and actions about the family and step-children: a) there was an ambivalence – because they both perceived themselves as men who were providers and orientators of their children and step-children, and there was also a perception that the feelings for their biological son were different from those felt by their step-children. b) all the stepfathers revealed hindrances in their relationships due to a lack of clear definition of their role and function in the family context, many times reinforced by the wives/mothers, considered as the ones who hold the power over the son/son-in-law and, this confusion generated rivalry between stepfather and stepson, in a dispute for the love of the wife and mother. c) From a psychic point of view, it was observed that many conflicts referred them to early periods of development, especially to the Oedipal resolution, as in a “re-edition”; thus, the exercise of the stepfather role is based on the quality of their childhood relationships with their parents – just as it happens in the exercise of consanguineous paternity. In this way, the role of stepfather, as well as the paternal role, is based on an “evolutionary commitment”. Further studies are suggested, since it was understood that this type of study related to developmental psychology can help in health actions and prevention in mental health.

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