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Escola e representação: como professores do ensino fundamental representam as famílias resultantes de uniões homoafetivas [School and representation: how elementary school teachers represent families resulting from same-sex unions]

LEITE, M. F. Escola e representação: como professores do ensino fundamental representam as famílias resultantes de uniões homoafetivas [School and representation: how elementary school teachers represent families resulting from same-sex unions]. 131 p. Master’s Dissertation, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP/PE). Recife (PE), 2010.

Available at: https://www.yumpu.com/pt/document/view/14418276/monografia-de-marcelo-leite

Abstract: This study aimed to examine how teachers of basic education of public and private schools in the city of Recife represent families consisting of a homosexual couple. In order to achieve this goal, two instruments were used: 1) Thematic-Drawing-and-Story Procedure; 2) Semi-structured interview. Data collected through these instruments were subjected to content Analysis around three themes: 1) How teachers represent families consisting of same-sex couple; 2) How do they represent children living in these families; and 3) How do they see school’s role in the construction of gender differences. As for the first theme, the discourse of participants reveals a homophobic idea, the prevailing tendency to consider this type of family abnormal, however, recognizing the need to respect it. On the second topic, teachers revealed mostly to believe that children resulting from this type of family suffer or may suffer prejudice from both school and society. Teachers have also revealed concerns about the future sexual orientation of these children. In the third theme, they said that neither school nor teachers are prepared to deal with the issue of sexuality, especially with homosexuality. Despite the urgent need for transformation of teaching practices on that topic, it became clear that this change will not happen quickly, easily and simply, because of the power and endurance of heteronormative order circulating in social relationships. So when it comes to non-sexist and non-homophobic education, we consider a slow and radical process of changes that must involve all components of school.

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