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Ensino e aprendizado remoto habilitados por tecnologias durante a Covid-19: sentidos e vivências de alunos e professores de áreas urbanas e rurais da grande Natal [Technology-enabled remote teaching and learning during Covid-19: senses and experiences of students and teachers from urban and rural areas of Greater Natal]

SOUZA, L. C. G. L. de. Ensino e aprendizado remoto habilitados por tecnologias durante a Covid-19: sentidos e vivências de alunos e professores de áreas urbanas e rurais da grande Natal [Technology-enabled remote teaching and learning during Covid-19: senses and experiences of students and teachers from urban and rural areas of Greater Natal]. 104 p. Master’s Dissertation (Profissional em Inovação em Tecnologias Educacionais) – Instituto Metrópole Digital, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.

Available on: https://repositorio.ufrn.br/handle/123456789/51264

Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has brought immense challenges to all sectors in Brazil and around the world. In an attempt to reduce the wide spreading of the virus, isolation and prevention measures have been adopted by countries. In Education, such measures meant the closure of schools and, with the interruption of in-person classes, emergency remote teaching was adopted. However, it is known that internet access was and still is variable, which greatly impacted the trajectory of many students in 2020 and 2021, notably those who live in rural areas. The need for deepening the study of educational technologies in pedagogical practices, rural and urban, comes from the need for teachers to think of new methodological strategies in the school environment, considering spaces as co-producers of meanings. Furthermore, it is necessary to understand the experiences of students immersed in this new reality. Certainly, the changes in teaching due to the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic generated impacts and changes in the organization of classes, in pedagogical practices, in the meanings of learning, all of which are still little investigated. Therefore, the following research question arises: What are the meanings and experiences of students and teachers, from urban and rural areas in the Greater Natal, about the use of technologies in coping with the Covid-19 pandemic? In view of this, the following general objective was listed: To analyze the meanings and experiences of students and teachers, coming from different realities, urban and rural the Greater Natal, about the role of technologies in facing the Covid-19 pandemic; and the specific ones: i) Characterize the pedagogical practices used by teachers in times of the Covid-19 pandemic; ii) Identify the possible difficulties and possibilities of using technologies during the pandemic and iii) Develop an e-book with the productions of students from urban and rural areas based on their experiences. For this, the qualitative approach was chosen as an investigative methodology, and due to the interest in investigating several variables that can act on the phenomenon, the multicase study was chosen, with the application of structured interviews for students and teachers of 4th and 5th grade years of public schools in Natal/RN and Ceará-Mirim/RN, in addition to The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure for students. As for the transcripts of the interviews, they were submitted to thematic analysis. As a final product, an e-book was prepared, with the students’ drawings, characterization of the researched territories (rural area of Ceará-Mirim and urban area of Natal), in addition to the results and discussion of applied research with children, compiling an innovative production by unite senses and experiences of children from urban and rural areas, at low cost and easy to share.

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