Encontro com pais de filhos com traços autistas: compreendendo a experiência emocional [An encounter with parents of children with autistic characteristics: understanding the emotional experience]

MARTÃO, M. I. S. Encontro com pais de filhos com traços autistas: compreendendo a experiência emocional [An encounter with parents of children with autistic characteristics: understanding the emotional experience]. 358 p. Doctoral Thesis – Instituto de Psicologia da USP. São Paulo (SP). 2009.

Available on: <http://livros01.livrosgratis.com.br/cp089128.pdf

The purpose of this study is to know better the psychological aspects of parents of children with autistic characteristics; it is the result of the clinical experience of the author in treating children and parents with these characteristics. These themes are discussed in the introduction of the study as well as the theoretical basis for the development of the study. Following a clinical methodology, 10 case studies were carried out, of both parents who were married and whose children had autistic characteristics. The subjects were invited to participate and underwent the procedures: clinical interviews, Drawing-and-Story Procedure – for each parent individually and Family Observation. Data was also retrieved from the child or teenager’s file at his or her treating institution. The results, in most of the cases, show emotional difficulties prior to the marriage and birth of the child, which portrayed: imprisonment, intolerance to frustration, lack of vitalization, feeling of under value, auto-invalidation, detachment, emotion evasion, agitation, depression and other emotional aspects which lead them to a holt and dissatisfaction in their lives. These seem to spring from individual difficulties, marital difficulties to which the difficulties generated by the child condition were added. On the other hand, in nine cases, desires for change and hope movements were found. As a conclusion, it is clear the need of the parents who participated in this study to have psychological treatment according to their individual characteristics. A broader understanding of the psychological aspects of the parents can serve as a basis for preventive and interventional programs, thus strengthening their self-esteem, their hope and the desire for change. New research on the theme is also suggested.

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