Efeitos da internação sobre a psicodinâmica de adolescentes autores de ato infracional [The effects of Internment on the psychodynamics of young delinquents]

ALVES, S. F. T. Efeitos da internação sobre a psicodinâmica de adolescentes autores de ato infracional [The effects of Internment on the psychodynamics of young delinquents]. 230 p. Master’s Dissertation – Instituto de Psicologia da USP. São Paulo (SP), 2001.Abstract: The present work seeks to study the psychodynamic alterations of adolescent interns, through a comprehensive psychological diagnostic and to verify the affective emotional aspects of these adolescents at the beginning, and after six months of Internment in FEBEM-SP. We could not find, at the present, any study on this matter in the bibliography we have researched. The subjects are three male adolescents, who have not committed homicide, and with no mental deficit or disease; primary in the legal social-educational measures The Statute of Children and Adolescents. Law 8069/90); age of 14,15 and 17 years old and with their families. The instruments of observation were 1) Drawing-and-Story Procedure and 2) diagnostic interviews with the adolescents, their parents  and the professionals of the FEBEM-SP. The data of this study suggest that interpersonal interactions in their family tend to a weakened dialogue and affective interchanges. The relatives are distant from contact with their sons and do not take responsibility for their involvement in the symptoms presented. The internment is a period in which the subject is deprived of his relations with the social group, in order to be reeducated. The period of internment is not without consequence, since we observed an intensification of the presence of defense mechanisms that are more retrograde with regard to the environment, with a predominance of the death impulse . We conclude that these subjects were helped by this kind of internment that did not help them with the change of their acts and resocialize. The internment provoked unfavorable consequences in the social adaptation and an aggravation of their emotional status. It was not possible for these adolescents to insert themselves through symbolization and a new significance in their infractions, since the institution during the internment of the subjects did not help reserve this problem and maintained this chronic delinquency.

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