Dinâmica das relações familiares e perturbações no processo de identificação de meninos com o papel sexual masculino [Family relationship dynamics and disturbances in the process of boys’ identification with the male sexual role]

BRITO, M. R. S. Dinâmica das relações familiares e perturbações no processo de identificação de meninos com o papel sexual masculino [Family relationship dynamics and disturbances in the process of boys’ identification with the male sexual role]Master’s Dissertation – PUCCAMP. Campinas (SP), 1986.

Abstract: A study in clinical psychology about the influence of family relationship dynamics on the causation of disturbances in the process of boys’ identification with the male sexual role. Five clinical cases were diagnosed through the comprehensive approach, by employing open and semi-structured interviews, Drawing-and-Story Procedure and the Children’s Apperception Test (C.A.T.). Various etiological factors became evident in the context of family relationship dynamics, combined factors, which lead boys to the identification with both the maternal figure and the female sexual role.

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