MARTINS, P. C. R.; AIELLO-VIASBERG, T. M. J. Dificuldades sexuais masculinas e imaginário coletivo de universitários: um estudo psicanalítico [Male sexual hardships and collective imaginativeness of university students: a psychoanalytical study]. Barbarói, Santa Cruz do Sul, n.31, ago-dez. 2009.
Available on: doi: <10.17058/barbaroi.v2i31.1023>
In accordance with José Bleger’s epistemological propositions, the goal of this research is to investigate psychoanalytically the collective imaginativeness of the university students about male sexual hardships. The clinical material has been obtained by means of the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure with the approach of a group of fifty Law students. The productions have been psychoanalytically considered according to the interpretative guidelines of the field theory. Three fields of unconscious affective-emotional feeling have been found: “the competent lover”, “happy forever” and “I wonder if he is”, which are commented on interpretatively. Knowing collective imaginativeness may render psychosocial transformations easier, releasing the human being from adhesions to restrictive conceptions about sexuality which tend to impoverish one’s way of living.