Dicas a um jovem terapeuta psicodramatista de adolescentes. [Tips for novice psychodrama therapists working with adolescents]

FERREIRA, I. B. Dicas a um jovem terapeuta psicodramatista de adolescentes. [Tips for novice psychodrama therapists working with adolescents]. Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama, São Paulo, v.1, p. 57-73, set. 1990. 

This article is aimed at professionals who are starting psychotherapy work with adolescents, as well as professionals who have been working with adolescents for a longer time. First, I will look at experienced professionals as a reference point. In the second part of this paper I explore the theoretical aspects of adolescence and psychodrama in the clinical setting with the use of technique Drawing-and-Story Procedure. Finally, two clinical examples are discussed, with the conclusion that there is a theoretical-practical frame of reference for therapeutic work with adolescents.

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