Desenhos-Estórias em encontros terapêuticos na clínica da maternidade [Drawing-and-Story Procedure in therapeutic encounters with adolescent at the maternity clinic]

TACHIBANA, M.; AIELLO-VAISBERG, T. M. J. Desenhos-Estórias em encontros terapêuticos na clínica da maternidade [Drawing-and-Story Procedure in therapeutic encounters with adolescent at the maternity clinic]. Mudanças – Psicologia da Saúde, São Bernardo do Campo (SP), v. 15, n.1, p. 23-31, jan-jun. 2007. 

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This study aimed at investigating the therapeutic potential of a different feature developed to attend to teenage pregnancy, in an attempt to develop clinical practices in institutions through psychoanalytical and phenomenologically configured research. There were six therapeutic encounters with a teenager pregnant, “Rosinha”, in which we used the Drawing-and-Story Procedure of Trinca, according to the presented paradigm in the Squiggle Game. After each encounter, psychoanalytical narratives were written, and were presented to the group of researchers in which this study was developed, with the intention to apprehend the occurrence of mutative experiences, in the context of psychological fields. We could observe patient development when she was able to recognize her hate for pregnancy, leaving behind the stereotype of an ideal mother to turn into a commonly devoted mother.

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