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Crianças institucionalizadas e suas expectativas ante o processo de adoção [Institutionalized children and their expectations of the adoption process]

HUBER, P. et al. Crianças institucionalizadas e suas expectativas ante o processo de adoção [Institutionalized children and their expectations of the adoption process]. Revista Teias. Rio de Janeiro, v. 13, n.30, p. 269-290, set-dez. 2012.

Available on: http://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/ojs/index.php/revistateias/article/view/24282/17261

In this article it is intended to make an analysis about the expectations of the children in shelters in relation to the adoption process and observe their conceptions of the shelter and the adoption. Another aspect is the methodology (draw/story), its validity and empirical importance. Considering that the draw can be characterized as projective expression of the subject’s internal reality, to the children, this practice happens more freely, spontaneously and full of emotional content. Applying this method of research, significant results were achieved. The children proved that they have a positive view about both adoption and shelter and they showed many expectations about the adoption. The desire of maintaining brotherly ties was the most remarkable aspect of the research.

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