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CORDEIRO, R.C.; CARVALHO, E.S.S. Expectativas de mães de crianças com síndrome congênita do vírus zika: atribuições dos gestores [Expectations of mothers of children with congenital zika virus syndrome: attributions of State governors]

VALE, P.R.L.F.; CORDEIRO, R.C.; CARVALHO, E.S.S. Expectativas de mães de crianças com síndrome congênita do vírus zika: atribuições dos gestores [Expectations of mothers of children with congenital zika virus syndrome: attributions of State governors]. Avances Enfermaría, 40(2), p. 183-198, 2022.

Available on: http://doi.org/10.15446/av.enferm.v40n2.88943

Objective: Understand the expectations of the mothers of children with congenital zika virus syndrome on the attributions of the State governors directed to integral care to the child. Materials and method: Qualitative study based on in-depth interviews and The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure with 10 mothers in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil, between September and November 2017. Results: The expectations of the mothers reside in increasing the number of sessions of early stimulation and rehabilitation; include new treatment methods such as ecotherapy, hydrogymnastics and advanced physiotherapy; building rehabilitation centers; qualify the professionals of the health care network; insert, minimally, the services of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech Therapy in the health network of the municipality of residence; ensure access to orthosis, prosthesis, wheelchairs and bath chairs, and other rehabilitation appliances, as well as materials such as diapers and medicines; to reduce bureaucracy of the course for the granting of the continuous benefit; to define a specific teaching-learning model for children. Conclusions: Disregarding the expectations of mothers means overloading them with services that would be the legal responsibility of the State, affecting their illness, in addition to restricting the child’s development and increasing cases of judicialization of health.

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