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Concepções imaginativas de saúde psicológica em mulheres negras: estudo de casos com consultas terapêuticas [Imaginative conceptions of psychological health in black women: a case study with therapeutic sessions]

SILVA, A. C. dos S.; GONÇALVES, M. Concepções imaginativas de saúde psicológica em mulheres negras: estudo de casos com consultas terapêuticas [Imaginative conceptions of psychological health in black women: a case study with therapeutic sessions]. Atas CIAIQ, Fortaleza (CE), v.2, p.1387-1395, 2018. 

Available on: https://proceedings.ciaiq.org/index.php/ciaiq2018/article/view/1921/1871

This study tries to understand imaginative conceptions of psychological health, considering that the  present  work  in the field doesn’t correlate psychological health, using Winnicott’s definition, and the Brazilian  black  women.  Therapeutic  sessions  constituted  by  dialogical  mediators  were  made  with  self declared black women, living in suburban neighborhoods, from age between 18 and 29 years old. The data was analyzed using Field Theory, Conduct Psychology and Winnicottian Psychoanalysis. The conceptions characterize psychological health as the capacity, freedom and possibility to express oneself genuinely, in a dialogical relation in which the subject can be understood both singularly and collectively. The ambient needs to facilitate that expression, without racism and other oppressions.

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