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Expressão do luto em mulheres com feridas crônicas em membros inferiores [Expression of grief in women with chronic wounds in lower limbs]

OLIVEIRA, A. da L.; CARVALHO, E. S. de S.; RODRIGUES, G. R. S. Expressão do luto em mulheres com feridas crônicas em membros inferiores [Expression of grief in women with chronic wounds in lower limbs]. Rev. Baiana Enferm., Salvador (BA), v.31, n.1, p.1-8, 2017. 

Available on:  doi: <10.18471/rbe.v31i1.20439>

Objective: to understand how women express grief when faced with a chronic wound in lower limbs. Method: this is a qualitative study developed in two health units of the state of Bahia, from March to June 2012. Thirteen women participated. Data was obtained through the application of the Designs-Stories Procedure with a theme and the In-depth Interview technique and was analyzed with the thematic content analysis technique. Results: when assuming a new body, marked by the presence of the wound and, therefore, considered incomplete, the participants experienced the loss of identity and the need to draw up a new reference for the female body. Conclusion: their grief was expressed by means of denial, anger, bargain, sadness and acceptance, where the stages of sadness and acceptance were more frequent.

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