AGUSTINELLI, C. de A.; VIZZOTTO, M. M. Aspectos psíquicos de pais e mães de crianças com paralisia cerebral observados pela análise de Desenhos-Estórias [Psychic aspects of fathers and mothers of children with cerebral palsy observed by the analysis of Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure]. Psicólogo Informação, São Bernardo do Campo (SP), v.16, n.16, p.127-147, jan-dez. 2012.
Available on: doi: <10.15603/2176-0969/pi.v16n16p127-147>
This study sought to describe psychodynamic aspects of two fathers and two mothers of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy by analyzing their productions through the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure. Therefore, interviews were conducted and each participant was asked to draw a disabled child and a father or mother of a disabled child. The analysis indicated that these participants showed a predominantly regressive defensive repertoire in face of the children’s disability, especially denial of cerebral palsy and their suffering and a projective identification with the disabled child. The study concluded that the participants used primitive defensive strategies to deal with the pain caused by the diagnosis of their children, having a hard time accepting it.