Adolescentes em conflito com a lei: uma abordagem psicodinâmica [Teenagers in battle with the law: a psychodynamic approach]

SILVA, S. M. da. (2016). Adolescentes em conflito com a lei: uma abordagem psicodinâmica [Teenagers in battle with the law: a psychodynamic approach]. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso – Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói (RJ). 

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The work was done in order to describe the emotional factors that may be associated with teenagers’ infractional acts, in light of Winnicotian psychoanalysis theory. For this purpose, a bibliographic research in the area and a study of a teenager fulfilling social educative measures for aggressive behavior in the school environment were performed. For further data analysis the concept of free inception founded by psychoanalysis was used. The results showed that deprivation experience related, mainly due to father figure, affected harmfully the social ties constructed by the teenager. Therefore this teenager acts on the environment in the search of the lost stability and interdiction, once it was not performed by the paternal function, using aggressiveness. Moreover, it was possible to identify and lead to therapeutics, reeducation and assistance directions that may allow the reworking of his environment relations and open new life and future perspectives.

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