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Adoção e exclusão insidiosa: o imaginário de professores sobre a criança adotiva [Insidious adoption and exclusion: the imaginary of teachers on the adopted child]

PONTES, M. L. S. et al. Adoção e exclusão insidiosa: o imaginário de professores sobre a criança adotiva [Insidious adoption and exclusion: the imaginary of teachers on the adopted child]. Psicologia em Estudo. Maringá (PR), v. 13, n. 3, p. 495-502, jul-set. 2008. 

Available on: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-73722008000300010.

Current research focuses on teachers’ imaginary on the adopted child through the use of story-picture procedures with a theme and through psychoanalytical narratives elaborated after interviews. Material was analyzed according to the psychoanalytic theory of fields, which allows the understanding of two non-conscience psychological phenomena: the abandoned child and infertility. Both fields are articulated under the wider psychological field of the radical exclusion of the original personality of the adopted child.

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