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Adentrando em um novo mundo: significado do adoecer para crianças com câncer [Stepping into a new world: the meaning of sicken for the child with cancer]

SOUSA, M. L. X. F. et al. Adentrando em um novo mundo: significado do adoecer para crianças com câncer [Stepping into a new world: the meaning of sicken for the child with cancer]. Texto Contexto Enferm, Florianópolis (SC) v.23, n.2, p. 391-9. abr-jun. 2014.

Available on: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-07072014000200391&lng=en&tlng=en

This is a qualitative study with the aim to understand the meaning of experiencing illness for a child with cancer. The Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure was used, with eight children aged between 6 and 12 years old, from February to May of 2012. The material was analyzed according to the theoretical and analytical framework of the French Discourse Analysis line, which seeks to understand the socio-historical processes of meaning production. The study revealed that, for the child with cancer, the disease is found out in an unexpected manner and he/she is soon inserted into a new context. In addition, the child faces barriers that may delay diagnosis, having his/her routine changed. The child presents signals and symptoms that cause discomfort and anxiety. At the same time, the child hopes to be healed with the treatment accomplishment. The results may contribute to changes in nursing care for this population.Keywords: Child; Oncologic nursing; Pediatrics; D-E (T);

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