A vivência hospitalar no olhar da criança internada [The hospital stay experience by the interned child view]

QUINTANA, A. M. et al. A vivência hospitalar no olhar da criança internada [The hospital stay experience by the interned child view]. Revista Cienc. Cuid. Saude.  v. 6, n. 4, p. 414-423, out-dez. 2007. 

Available on: http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/CiencCuidSaude/article/view/3679

Hospitalization  is  a  factor  that  generates  anxiety to  anyone,  much  more  to  a  child.  Many  feelings  may be produced  in  them  by  the  hospitalization.  The  objectives  of  this  work  were  to  know  how  children  experience the hospital  stay,  their  relation  with  the  nursing  team. A  qualitative  approach  was  used,  and  data  was  collected through  playful  technical  interviews  and  a  story  drawing.  The  results  showed  that  the  children  perceive  the hospital  as  a  sad  place,  but  that  also  can  provide good  situations,  as  the  playing  space.  The  children demonstrated comprehension  of the hospital procedures  and  their need to overcome  the  illness, however, they identify them as painful. The relationship between the child and the nursing team was presented as ambivalent, the  children  identify  “nice”  professionals  that  show  them  their  worry  and  attention,  but,  on  the  other hand,  the procedures they do  are understood as  painful and anguishing. The concern with death is another important aspect in data analysis.

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