A utilização do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias de Walter Trinca no diagnóstico da criança borderline [Using Walter Trinca´s Drawing-and-Story Procedure in the diagnosis of borderline children]

MERCADANTE, M. T. (1993) – A utilização do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias de Walter Trinca no diagnóstico da criança borderline [Using Walter Trinca´s Drawing-and-Story Procedure in the diagnosis of borderline children]. São Paulo (SP), Rev. Neuropsiq. Infância e Adolescência, 1 (1): 5-8. 

This article discusses a diagnostic category of childhood psychosis, that is, the borderline children also known as pre-psychotic. It positions the comprehensive model (clinical-psychodynamic) as a fundament of this nosography and presents a case evaluated by the Walter Trinca Drawing-and-Story Procedure (D-E). The author concludes that the use of this procedure is a very important tool in the diagnostic process for the children’s psychiatrist, especially in the diagnosis of borderline cases.

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