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A representação social da criança sobre o trabalho [The child’s social representation of work]

CONCEIÇÃO, N. L. A representação social da criança sobre o trabalho [The child’s social representation of work]. 2018. 51f. Undergraduate Thesis (Degree in Psychology) – Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 2018.

Available on: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/9724

This monograph aims to understand the social representations of children about work. Initially, it was tried to present the transformations on the conception of childhood over time, the concept of play and its presence in the development, besides its contributions to the work activity. In the same way, we sought to conceptualize the work activity by stressing that for the subject to exercise it, he should have in his childhood an environment that facilitates his development as a gibbering subject, defined by nonwork, only later when he reaches adulthood into the world of work. For the investigation of social representations, a qualitative cross-sectional study was carried out by applying the Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure, in ten (10) children inserted into a ballet activity. The analysis of the data was based on the interpretation of the drawings and stories of the participants from categories specially defined for the understanding of the representations of the participants of this study about the work. The results show two representations, the first one that refers to work as an achievement of desire in which from a problem situation, the work activity is perceived as a means to the satisfaction of what is desired. And the second representation presents the field of work linked to the idea of art, pleasure and play area.

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