A psicodinâmica do alcoolista alicerçada no Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias [The psychodynamics of the alcoholic based on the Drawing-and-Story Procedure]

SANTOS, S. L. A psicodinâmica do alcoolista alicerçada no Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias [The psychodynamics of the alcoholic based on the Drawing-and-Story Procedure]. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso em Psicologia – Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Paraíba (PB), 2021.

Available on: https://repositorio.ufpb.br/jspui/handle/123456789/21794

Abstract: Alcohol consumption has been growing, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, but its intake is a very old custom, and settled in our society. In this sense, those who often drink alcohol, may develop alcoholism, a disorder of multifactorial causes and that can have serious consequences. Knowing the relevance of the theme, this work aimed to investigate the psychodynamics of the personality of former alcoholics who attend the service of Alcoholics Anonymous through the Drawing-and-Story Procedure and the clinical and guided interview, in order to know the possible factors that contributed to alcohol consumption. Three men who met the inclusion criteria, aged between 48 and 68 years, who attended the Alcoholics Anonymous service and who voluntarily sought the researcher to participate in the research participated in this study. This study corroborated with others who dealt with alcoholism, and among the findings, this study found that the emotional aspect, one of the elements of psychic dynamics, is a relevant factor in the maintenance of alcoholism. When the instruments used, the D-E proved reliable in identifying the dynamics of the personality of alcoholics, being able to reveal the most widely used defense mechanisms and conflicts between life and death drive. The story drawings through the graphic tracings elaborated in the productions, articulated with the stories and with the interview, showed psychodynamic aspects, referring to affective states of negative valence, such as frustration, fear and feeling of less value that interfere in the relationship between alcohol and the alcoholic subject. However, this study did not work out the theme and we suggest further studies for a better understanding of the association of shaky lines with symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

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