A influência da cirurgia de histerectomia na vida psíquica da mulher [The influence of hysterectomy surgery in women’s psychic life]

MORAES, A. P.. et al. A influência da cirurgia de histerectomia na vida psíquica da mulher [The influence of hysterectomy surgery in women’s psychic life]. Revista Uningá, Maringá, PR, v.19, n.1, p.161-167, Jan/Mar 2009. 

Available on: http://revista.uninga.br/index.php/uninga/article/view/741/387

From the perspective of the studies of Hospital Psychology, the pain and suffering of the human being are contemplated in a joint manner, considering the intimate relationship between mind and body. Based on this principle, the objective of this article is to research the influence of hysterectomy surgery (removal of the uterus) on female feelings and emotions.  For this, we started from the hypothesis that the loss of this organ may trigger certain emotions harmful to women’s mental health, such as anxiety and fear.  For the elaboration of this achievement and the attainment of the results, the Drawing-and-Story Projective Test was used as a source of data, which has the objective of obtaining a vision of the individual’s personality and life moment.  For this test, five hysterectomized women were selected, indicated by private clinics in the cities of Maringá, Itambé, Astorga and NovaEsperança.  The research made it possible to obtain as a result the predominance of the feeling of loneliness in the patients in question.

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