A importância do Lúdico na Odontopediatria: Revisão de Literatura [The importance of play in Pediatric Dentistry: Literature Review]

SILVEIRA, C. Z.; GRUBISIK, S. R. J. A importância do Lúdico na Odontopediatria: Revisão de Literatura [The importance of play in Pediatric Dentistry: Literature Review]. Undergraduate Thesis – Curso de Odontologia – Universidade Tiradentes. ARACAJU (SE), 2012. 

Available on: http://openrit.grupotiradentes.com:8080/xmlui/handle/set/2253

The aim of this article is the ludic in Pedodontics study, searching in the literature the child behavior and its no collaboration causes and showing how professional ludic use can be used to make children more peacefully comfortable e co-operative to treatment. Ludic is an educational methodology that involves children through entertainment, games and distractions so that they become more susceptible and volunteer to visit the dentist. The D-E was used.

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