A importância do diagnóstico precoce e de intervenções preventivas em crianças abrigadas [The importance of early diagnosis and preventive intervention for children institutionalized]

CARETA, D. S.; MOTTA, I. F. A importância do diagnóstico precoce e de intervenções preventivas em crianças abrigadas [The importance of early diagnosis and preventive intervention for children institutionalized]. Rev. de Psicologia da UNESP, Assis (SP), v.6, n.1, p.45-49, 2007. 

Available on: seer.assis.unesp.br/index.php/psicologia/article/view/1009/931

This essay is aimed at understanding the emotional experience of a child institutionalized since a very early age. Also, it tries to unveil her emotional development. According to Winnicott, the child faced with hardship is bound to present traumatic emotional history, justifying early diagnosis followed by preventive intervention. An hour-game was set, along with the Drawing-and-Story Procedure, as tools for comprehensive diagnosis. We made use of the clinical method, case study with psychoanalytic approach, according to Winnicott. Carried out on the premises of an institution located in São Paulo, when the child was 5. The outcome states that the child to communicate dissociation, faced with situations that contribute to breaks and intense anguish, showed no signs of emotion whatsoever; so is the need for psychological intervention. Another point is the influence of the environment in the process of emotional development. It makes us reflect on the implications of children’s institutionalization: preventive measures are to be brought forward, and by doing so improve the conditions for development, avoiding further emotional implications, and preventing juvenile delinquency.

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