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A gravidez precoce no imaginário coletivo de adolescentes [The early pregnancy in the teenagers’ collective imaginary]

PONTES, M. L. S. et al.  A gravidez precoce no imaginário coletivo de adolescentes [The early pregnancy in the teenagers’ collective imaginary]. Psicol. Teor. Prat. São Paulo, v.12 n.1, 2010.

Available on: http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-36872010000100008

The objectives of the present study were to understand how contemporary adolescents see themselves and society today. To do so, we contacted students from the last year of elementary school and from three years of high school. A group of thirteen adolescents was asked to draw, individually, drawings-stories about the theme “A modern day youth”. Thirteen drawings-stories in which there was explicit mention of early pregnancy were considered for this work. Using the psychoanalytic method, an affective-emotional field of meaning called “crime and punishment” was captured, related to the belief that pregnancy would correspond to a punishment of the girl for having had sexual intercourse. Now this girl could die, literally or figuratively, seeing her ideals become unrealizable, or she could be abandoned by her parents or by her partner who “cleverly” would not bear the consequences. One reflects on the extent to which parents, educators and society are dealing with adolescent sexuality through the submission of girls through terror, not favoring their spontaneous gestures.

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