VILLELA, E. M. B. A formação ética do Psicólogo a partir da prática clínica com deficientes visuais [The ethical formation of the psychologist considering the clinical practice with visually impaired patients]. Mudanças: Psicologia da Saúde, v.16, n.2, p.91-99, jul-dez. 2008.
Available on: doi: <10.15603/2176-1019/ mud. V.16, n. 2, p. 91-99>
This article presents a psychological formation strategy considering the generation of professionals open to human diversity, who are introspective and multipliers of including actions. The method used was the follow-up of a group of students who participated in a program of clinical practice for visually impaired children and their parents. We investigated the repercussions of the practice to the students. The material consisted of registered reports of the supervised sessions, of students narratives before and after the experience, and of Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure: a person who is visually impaired, which was ministered at the beginning and at the end of the program. The analysis and discussion of the material were guided by the Winnicottian conception of maturing, which focuses on the existence of a dialectical relationship between the healthy individual and the foundation of a healthy society. We observed certain transformations towards a more mature approach when facing the question of disabilities, as well as a greater disposition to alterity. The conclusion elucidates the relevance of the opportunity offers and the practice reflection with disabled people in the university ambit.