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A experiência do transplante hepático para crianças e adolescentes: a frágil vida forte [The experience of liver transplants in children and teenagers: the strong fragile life]

GONÇALVES, Y. N.; GOMES, A. M. A. A experiência do transplante hepático para crianças e adolescentes: a frágil vida forte [The experience of liver transplants in children and teenagers: the strong fragile life]. Revista FSA. Teresina, v. 10, n. 3, art. 11, p. 175-198, jul-set. 2013.

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Using a qualitative approach to understand the effect of liver transplants through the experience and viewpoint of children and teens, utilizing semi-structured interviews and Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure.  The data was analyzed through Categorical Content Analyses and Thematic Drawing-and-Story Procedure, three categories were identified: social-demographic characterization of the subjects to be transplanted: “And indeed it isn’t like it was before” and facing the transplant: “People say that I am strong (…) and give us a lot of attention”.  The results show the profile of the participant subjects; the change and limitations of personal conditions on their daily way of life; Feeling “different”, the feelings felt and the strategies employed.  In conclusion, the experience of a liver transplant constitutes a challenging and difficult lifestyle which requires a transplant subject to continually adapt and overcome. The study can subsidize information to health professionals that support complete care of the child-teen clientele.

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