A escolha amorosa das mulheres: uma visão psicanalítica [Women’s loving choice]

VAGOSTELLO, L. O risco da negligência: um estudo de caso [The negligence risk: a study case]. Revista de Psicologia da Vetor Editora. São Paulo, v. 3, n. 1. 2002. 

Available on: <http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1676-73142002000100010&lng=pt&nrm=iso>

This article presents a eight years old child psychological study, male, neglected, a serious physical (bites) and sexual abuse victim. This attack has almost led to his death. Drawing-and-Stories Procedure, Child Thematic Apperception and Rorschach were administered. Results indicated passivity and dependence trends and caretaking needs. Maternal figure was internalized as passive and weak. Environment is felt as threatening and cannot be trustworthy. Obsessive defenses allow his affects control and reality adaptation. Psychological characteristics found in children such as insecurity and depression were identified by Bowlby and Winnicott as neglect consequences. Despite his severe maltreatment, the child presents psychological resources that allow to think whether it’s a resilience case. This hypothesis could be confirmed in future studies (follow up) using the same procedures.

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