A escolha amorosa das mulheres: uma visão psicanalítica [Women’s loving choice]

SZTOKBANT, T. Y. A escolha amorosa das mulheres: uma visão psicanalítica [Women’s loving choice]. Master’s Dissertation – PUC-SP. São Paulo (SP), 1997.

Available on: https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/15203

The following work intends to study the relations between the mode of psychic organization and women’s loving choice. Our first premise was that the influences of the pré-genital and genital stages of the libido organization, which include the processes of identification, the manifestations of anguish and defense and the Oedipus Complex, represent the unconscious fantasies which determine the state of mind of the subject and the kind of relations he establishes during his life. We also discussed the relevance of the factor integration, as that which propitiates the discrimination between the ego and the object, the self and the not self. As a result, we made considerations about the importance of the processes of awareness, elaboration and insight, as they favor the development and integration of the self, in his attempt to think about the repercussions of such development in his loving selection. The research was made in a private office, with women who were not passing through which we could consider psychic problematization. Thus, we excluded moments such as adolescence, 40 year old women, menopause, pregnancy and puerperium. Moreover, this research did not take into accourtt psychiatrists or psychoanalysts, because they might have previous knowledge of the method that has been adopted, interfering in the spontaneity of their production. The procedure included qualitative analysis of the results obtained in psychodiagnosis. As a result, we made semi-directed individual interviews and applied the Drawing-and-Story Procedure (Trinca, 1987). As we analysed the results, we tried to demonstrate empirically how the difficulties concerning the process of individuation influence the loving choice. We emphasized the manifestations of anguish due to separations, life history, feeling of self-existence, fantasies related to the stages of the libido development and to occurrences of fear.

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