A criança hiperativa e seu corpo: auto-regulação e limites

GORODSCY, R. C. A criança hiperativa e seu corpo: auto-regulação e limites. Bol. Acad. Paulista de Psicologia, São Paulo (SP), v. 2, n. 6, p. 27-38. 2007. 

Available on: < https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/946/94626209.pdf

This work features an account on the experience of counseling, between 1990 and 2006, in psychotherapy for children with a diagnosis of ADHD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder), which also included their parents. Proceedings with Trinca’s Drawing-and-Story Procedure and a relaxation approach are the tools utilized with the objective of communication and tuning in with the child and his parents, adding the facilitation of expression of deeper aspects of basic anguishes. This experience allows the clinical psychologist to make a reflection of the psychological diagnosis question achieved in order to understand the syndrome. Under the perspective of this experience, it is considered that children’s excessive activity is interlinked to the dynamic of their personal interrelationships which determine limits and self-regulation, in which values and expectations intervene and also the little ability of control – uncomprehended.

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