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A criança antissocial e seu pai: um estudo psicodinâmico [The antisocial child and his father: a psychodynamic study]

BARBIERI, V.; MISHIMA, P. K. T.; SELAN B. A criança antissocial e seu pai: um estudo psicodinâmico [The antisocial child and his father: a psychodynamic study]. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, v.14, n.3, p. 356-381, 2013.

Available on:  http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/362/36229333001.pdf

Antisocial behavior is a frequent impairment in the child population that requests psychological attendance. Its tendency to chronically aggravate and its restricted prognostic make early interventions and preventive approaches essential. Being the father’s personality the most relevant etiological factor, this study aimed to comprehend how it acts dynamically in the relationship with the child, promoting the upcoming of this condition. It accomplished three case studies of fathers of antisocial boys, employing a psychological interview and the Drawing-of-Family-and-Story Procedure. The results showed that the antisocial tendency is independent of the father’s personality structure and is related to the affective psychodynamic of this parent, particularly to his difficulty pulsional control, ambivalence acceptance of standards and limits, ambiguity on the father’s function, restriction of creative capacity, reduction in transitional experiences and imperfections in the process of integration of love and hate in the relationship with the son. Thus, there is the need to perform interventions including this parent in the attendance of the antisocial child.

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