A consideração de aspectos ambientais na análise do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias [The consideration of environmental aspects in analysis of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure]

CARETA. D. S.; MOTTA, I. F. da. A consideração de aspectos ambientais na análise do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias [The consideration of environmental aspects in analysis of the Drawing-and-Story Procedure]. Mudanças – Psicologia da Saúde.  v.13, n.2, p. 271-471, jul-dez. 2005.

Available on: https://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-ims/index.php/MUD/article/view/828/843

This study aimed to understand the emotional experiences of a child who was sheltered in the first year of life. We carried out the diagnosis with the drawings-story procedure, by Walter Trinca, considering in its analysis the environmental aspects. The inclusion of the environment in the constitution of emotional development is justified insofar as only in a sufficiently good environment is it possible for the development of the being the development of the being, according to the theoretical foundation of Winnicott’s psychoanalysis. The diagnosis was made in the facilities of an institution, located in Greater São Paulo. The child’s personal information was obtained at the institution. Currently, she is five years old (period of application of the procedure) and has been sheltered since she was seven months of life. We conclude that the diagnostic process through W. Trinca’s Trinca’s drawing-story procedure was effective in the investigation of the emotional dynamics of the child. As for the environment, it was characterized as totally unfavorable, not facilitating, composed of violence, destruction and unlove, as well as the invasion of hatred, sometimes against the object, sometimes against the child. the child. Thus, we highlight the urgency of psychological intervention for the child, because the presence of anguish, pain, suffering, helplessness, fragility and deprivation is intense. All the reports were supported by the presence of destructiveness.

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