A clínica do amadurecimento e o atendimento às pessoas com deficiência [The maturation clinic and work with persons with deficiencies]

AMIRALIAN, M. L. T. M. A clínica do amadurecimento e o atendimento às pessoas com deficiência [The maturation clinic and work with persons with deficiencies]. Nat. Humana, São Paulo, v.5, n.1, p. 205-209, jun. 2003. 

Available on: http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1517-24302003000100007

The purpose of this text is to analyze the importance of Winnicottian concepts of intervention with disabled persons. After reflecting on the concepts proposed by the author, based on his pediatric experiences, observing babies and their mothers, and as psychoanalyst, attending borderline cases, three aspects have been analyzed: the application of these concepts with regard to understanding the development of disabled persons, their relevance to the understanding of the intensive risk to which individuals are exposed and the pertinence of the proposals of the maturation clinic near these individuals. Some case vignettes were utilized as examples of applications, as well as techniques.

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